Approximately 27 species of rockfish are reported from Puget Sound, spanning a range of life-history types, habitats, and ecological niches.
- Action Agenda
- Adaptive management
- Algae
- Amphibians
- Aquatic reserves
- Bald eagles
- Ballard Locks
- Biennial Science Work Plan
- Biofilm
- Birds
- Bivalves
- Circulation
- Climate change
- Contaminants of emerging concern
- Counties
- Disease
- Dungeness crabs
- Ecoregions
- Ecosystem-based management
- Ecosystem services
- Eelgrass
- Elwha River
- Environmental justice
- Estuarine habitat
- Eyes Over Puget Sound
- Eyes Under Puget Sound
- Fishes
- Floodplains
- Food web
- Forage fish
- Freshwater habitat
- Geography
- Green crabs
- Harbor porpoise
- Harbor seals
- Harmful algal blooms
- Healthy human population
- Herring
- History
- Human quality of life
- Hypoxia
- Implementation Strategies
- Invasive species
- Invertebrates
- Jellyfish
- Kelp
- Killer whales
- Land cover conversion
- Mammals
- Marine birds
- Marine debris
- Marine habitat
- Marine heat waves
- Marine Protected Areas
- Marine Waters Overview
- Modeling
- Monitoring
- National Estuary Program
- Nearshore habitat
- Noise
- Nutrient pollution
- Ocean acidification
- Oil spills
- Persistent contaminants
- Physical environment
- Phytoplankton
- Plants
- Puget Sound boundaries
- Puget Sound Fact Book
- Puget Sound Pressures Assessment
- Puget Sound Update
- Reptiles
- Resilience
- Rockfish
- Salish Sea
- Salish Sea Currents magazine
- Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference
- Salmonids
- Sea-star wasting disease
- Sea level rise
- Sewage and fecal pollution
- Shellfish
- Shoreline armoring
- Social science
- Species and food webs
- Species of concern
- State of the Sound
- Stormwater
- Summer stream flows
- Terrestrial habitat
- Tidal energy
- Toxic contaminants
- Traditional ecological knowledge
- Tribes
- Uncertainties
- Vital Signs
- Water quality
- Water quantity
- Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIA)
- Watershed hydrologic unit codes (HUC)
- Watersheds
- Zooplankton
Minke whales in the Salish Sea
Minke whales are the most abundant baleen whale species worldwide. In the waters of the west coast of North America, their populations have remained small, but stable over time. They are hunted by transient killer whales due to their relatively small size compared with other baleen whales. Sighting rates for minke whales in the Salish Sea are highest during the summer, however, little is known about where minke whales spend the winter months.
Puget Sound Marine Waters 2023 Overview
Each year, the Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program releases the annual Puget Sound Marine Waters Overview report. The latest report combines a wealth of data from comprehensive monitoring programs and provides a concise summary of what was happening in Puget Sound’s marine waters during 2023. The report represents the collective effort of 67 contributors from federal, tribal, state, and local agencies, academia, nonprofits, and private and volunteer groups.
Puget Sound researchers uncover shark secrets, but new questions arise
Recent discoveries of two new shark species in Puget Sound have sparked public interest and may encourage greater conservation efforts. In this seven-part series, Christopher Dunagan provides an overview of sharks in Puget Sound and some of the recent work among scientists to protect these often misunderstood creatures.
Discovery of soupfin shark surprises researchers
Soupfin sharks were not known to occur in Puget Sound until one was hooked by a fisherman in 2022. Scientists say warming oceans from a changing climate may be bringing more of the species into local waters. Our series on the sharks of Puget Sound continues with a closer look at soupfins and why they are being considered for inclusion on the Endangered Species List.
Is Puget Sound a nursery for sixgill sharks?
Bluntnose sixgill sharks are among the largest sharks in the world, reaching lengths of almost 16 feet. Research shows that Puget Sound may be an important place for sixgills to give birth and raise their young. We continue with part three of our series on Puget Sound's sharks.
Spiny dogfish on the move
The Pacific spiny dogfish is the most abundant shark in Puget Sound, despite its former decline due to overfishing in the 20th century. Part four of our series on sharks looks at this well-known Puget Sound resident and what is being learned about its migratory habits.
More sharks of Puget Sound
While several shark species are observed more frequently off the coast of Washington than in Puget Sound, some are seen on rare occasions in the inland waterways. Detailed information on these sharks is limited, but the same thing might have been said for sixgills, sevengills and soupfin sharks until recent discoveries opened the door to new research. Part five of our series on Puget Sound's sharks outlines some of our region's lesser known shark species. The following information comes from various sources, including fishing and scuba diving reports, scientific studies and the book “Fishes of the Salish Sea” by Theodore Pietsch and James Orr.
Fear of sharks gives way to fascination
Local shark experts say people are often surprised to find that sharks are not ruthless eating machines; rather these animals display complex social behaviors and even personalities. They say the more that people learn about sharks, the more they will want to protect them. Our series on Puget Sound's sharks continues with part six of seven.
Shark fishing raises questions about the need for more protection
In the final installment of our series on sharks in Puget Sound, we look at how fishing regulations have changed to protect potentially vulnerable shark species. Experts say more regulations may be needed as research evolves.
The role of estuaries in the ecology of adult Pacific salmon and trout in Puget Sound
The extensive loss or modification of estuaries throughout Puget Sound creates a significant challenge for adult salmon as they migrate to their natal streams to spawn. A 2024 report by University of Washington scientist Thomas Quinn looks at how different species of salmonids use estuaries to move from marine to freshwater environments. The report was commissioned by the University of Washington Puget Sound Institute with funding from the Environmental Protection Agency's National Estuary Program.
Pacific white-sided dolphins in the Salish Sea
Pacific white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) are found in the colder offshore waters of the North Pacific, but they also occasionally occur in inshore waters of the Salish Sea, and more rarely, Puget Sound. They make use of cooperative foraging techniques, and feeding at night in dark conditions means their finely tuned sonar or echolocation serves them well.
How eDNA is changing the way scientists track species in Puget Sound
Scientists can now identify the presence of species just by testing the water for traces of DNA. The relatively new technique is being compared to the invention of the telescope or the microscope as a significant new tool for understanding ecosystems like Puget Sound. It could be a revolution for tracking the movements of all kinds of species, from salmon and killer whales to invasive green crabs.
Cruises of the R.V. Brown Bear 1952 – 1965
The University of Washington research vessel R.V. Brown Bear made 381 scientific cruises between 1952 and 1965.
1977 The Use, Study, and Management of Puget Sound Symposium Proceedings
"Since man is sometlmes nearsighted in establishing the routes to achleve his goals, it is good practice to review those routes occasionally to see if indeed the correct track is being folIowed." – Alyn C. Duxbury, 1977
The 1977 sypmposium, The Use, Study, and Management of Puget Sound, posed questions about the uses of Puget Sound, the regulations that govern the uses, and the effects of those policies on the environment and its users.
2001 Puget Sound Research Conference Abstracts and Biographies
The Pugert Sound Action Team and generous co-sponsors, including state and federal agencies, local governments, universities, and businesses, convened the fifth Puget Sound Research Conference in 2001 in Bellevue, Washington.
2007 Puget Sound Georgia Basin Research Conference: Abstracts and Biographies
Over 900 delegates attended and participated in the 2007 Georgia Basin Puget Sound Research Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia.
2005 Puget Sound Georgia Basin Research Conference: Abstracts and Biographies
On March 29-31, 850 scientists, First Nations and Tribal government representatives, resource managers, community leaders, policy makers, educators and students convened at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. to share science and information about the condition and management of the shared Puget Sound Georgia Basin ecosystem.
The role of estuaries in the ecology of juvenile Pacific salmon and trout in Puget Sound
This overview describes the different ways that juvenile Pacific salmon and trout use estuaries, and why those differences are important for ecosystem recovery efforts. The report was commissioned by the University of Washington Puget Sound Institute with funding from the Environmental Protection Agency's National Estuary Program.
A new beginning for threatened Chinook
The Stillaguamish River is home to what may be the most imperiled stock of Chinook salmon in all of Puget Sound. What scientists are learning here at the Stillaguamish estuary on Port Susan Bay could help turn the tide for these fish and other salmon around the region.
Fin whales in the Salish Sea
Fin whales are the second-largest species of animal on the planet. Their occasional presence in the Salish Sea is notable because they are rare and listed as Endangered federally and in Washington State. Sightings today are considered most likely to occur in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, which is closest to their migration route on the outer coast.
All killer whales will remain one species — for now, according to marine mammal committee
A formal proposal to designate resident and Bigg’s killer whales as separate species has been rejected by a committee widely recognized as the authority in naming new marine mammal species.
Decision time approaches for two new orca species, as other issues bring new questions
Scientists are making the case that the world's orcas should be divided into two new species. Voting for the proposed change was scheduled to take place last week at the Society for Marine Mammalogy. [Update: Read about the decision here.]
A head start for Puget Sound's endangered turtles
The Puget Sound region is known for its salmon-filled estuaries and coastal forests, but on the southern portion of its range, evergreens give way to small patches of rolling grasslands that are home to some of Washington's rarest species. One of those species, the northwestern pond turtle, was recently proposed for listing under the Endangered Species Act. A captive breeding program is preparing these turtles for the challenges of life in the wild.
The voice of eelgrass
Wade out into the shallows of Puget Sound on a warm, sunny day and put your ear close to the water. You might catch the faint, champagne-like bubbling of eelgrass.
Rare tidal marshes set the table for salmon recovery
Tidal wetlands are crucial to Chinook salmon recovery but are among the most threatened habitats in Puget Sound. In 2012, The Nature Conservancy began restoring a 150-acre section of tidal marsh on Port Susan Bay at the mouth of the Stillaguamish River. That project is entering a new phase and may soon connect with other adjacent restoration efforts put forth by the Stillaguamish Tribe.
Hood Canal summer chum could be first-ever salmon removed from Endangered Species List
Summer chum salmon in Hood Canal are making a remarkable comeback. Could it be enough to support their removal from the Endangered Species List?
Will these gentle giants return to the Salish Sea?
A shark species the length of a bus was once common in the Salish Sea. Then it was labeled a "destructive pest" and nearly wiped out. Can the gentle and often misunderstood basking shark make a comeback?
The decline of Dall’s porpoise in the Salish Sea
Dall’s porpoises have declined in the Salish Sea since the early 1990s for reasons that are unknown. However, the species, which remains abundant in inshore waters of Alaska and in open coastal and offshore waters of the North Pacific Ocean, is not considered threatened or endangered. Major threats to Dall’s porpoise populations include direct hunting, by-catch in fisheries, and the impacts of environmental contaminants.
Under a new proposal, our local orcas — resident and Bigg’s killer whales — would each become a new species
A scientific paper, published on March 27th, spells out the unique physical and genetic characteristics that should make each group a separate species, with the proposed scientific names Orcinus ater for residents and Orcinus rectipinnus for Bigg’s.
Habitat protection and restoration in Puget Sound: An overview of Strategic Initiative Lead investments 2016-2023
Between 2016 and 2021, $21 million provided by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) funded 100 different projects to protect, restore, and study critical habitats in Puget Sound. This publication presents an overview of many of the key accomplishments and lessons learned from these efforts. It is a catalog of some of the ‘big ideas’ presented by the scientists and conservationists involved, and it is meant to inform and guide future Puget Sound recovery efforts. This overview is based on the full synthesis report, “Synthesis of Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead 1.0 2016-2023 Investments for Puget Sound Recovery," published by the Puget Sound Institute.