
本區域各地的社區發現,海平面上升和河水上漲是一體兩面的問題。氣候變遷使得Puget 海灣面臨愈來愈高的洪水風險,環境保護局贊助的新研究可能有助於主管機關找出因應之道。

在像是Snohomish郡這種已知Nooksack河的河水會漫過河 岸的地區,海平面上升會讓這個問題更加嚴重。圖示為Nooksack河 在2009年沿著鄰近Ferndale (Wash) 的Interstate 5泛濫成災。 照片:WSDOT (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
About the Author: 
Eric Wagner writes about science and the environment from his home in Seattle, where he lives with his wife and daughter. His writing has appeared in Smithsonian, Orion, The Atlantic and High Country News, among other places. He is the author of "Penguins in the Desert" and co-author of "Once and Future River: Reclaiming the Duwamish." His most recent book is "After the Blast: The Ecological recovery of Mount St. Helens," published earlier this year by University of Washington Press. He holds a PhD in Biology from the University of Washington.