Chemistry of Puget Sound waters and influencing factors
This 1954 report present the results of a geochemical investigation, based on existing data, of the waters of Puget Sound. Rivers draining into the Puget Sound and upwelled water moving in at depth from Juan de Fuca Strait are the chief sources of the chemical constituents in Puget Sound.
Exerpt from abstract
Distinctive features of the rivers and drainage area tributary to Puget Sound are discussed. On a comparative basis the rivers tributary to Puget Sound discharge more water and more disolved material per square mile of drainage area than other comparable rivers in North America for which data are available.
In the marine area two distinctive water masses can be identified on the basis of T-S diasgrams plotted for stattions fron Piller Point, central Juan de Fuca Strait, to Devil's Head, southern Puget Sound. These two water masses can also be differentiated on the basis of oxygen and phosphate data.