Equity and social science integration at the 2018 Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference
A new study looks at social science and equity integration within the proceedings of the 2018 Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference. The study was produced on behalf of the Puget Sound Partnership for the Encyclopedia of Puget Sound.
Social science and equity are increasingly considered integral aspects of ecosystem restoration and reflect an expanding recognition that diverse approaches, tools, and voices matter in recovery efforts. For the past 30 years, the Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference (SSEC 2018) has been an interdisciplinary showcase for regional transboundary recovery efforts focused on the Salish Sea. As such, its proceedings provide an opportunity to reflect on and illustrate the current status of social science and equity integration.
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This document was prepared for publication in the Encyclopedia of Puget Sound. It was funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Federal Grant Award Number: PC-01J32201; Federal Grant Award Name: Puget Sound Technical Investigations & Implementation) and is part of an Interagency Agreement under that award between the Puget Sound Partnership and Oregon State University (Agreement Title: Social Science Support for Puget Sound Recovery).
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