Quileute Tribe
The Quileute live along the Pacific Coast, in La Push, Washington. The tribe's historical territory stretched up and down the coast.
Quileute Area of Concern:
The Quileute are focused in WRIA 20, where the largest watershed is the Quillayute River. Since 1999, the tribe has been a part of Lead Entities, a state program working to restore salmon habitat. Regulatory changes have been delayed, however, limiting progress. Restoration goals include protecting habitat from negative impacts due to commercial forestry, eliminating invasive knotweed (Polygonum spp.), and increased monitoring.
Natural Resource Management:
- The Quileute are one of several Washington coast tribes that recently hosted the First Stewards symposium, bringing together native leaders, scientists, and others to discuss climate change and indigenous knowledge.
- In fall of 2008, the tribe worked with the Pacific Ranger District of Olympic National Forest to restore fish habitat in Hyas Creek, where a fire led to a shortage of timber. The tribe added log structures and native plants to the creek, which had been slated for restoration since 1998.
- The tribe routinely samples shellfish for toxins and maintains a Chinook and steelhead hatchery on the reservation.
Quileute Indian Tribe
PO Box 279
La Push, WA 98350
Phone: (360) 374-6163
Fax: (360) 374-6311
P.O. Box 187
LaPush, WA 98350
Chairperson: Tony Foster
Fisheries Contact: Melvin Moon
Homepage: Quileute Indian Tribe
source: NWIFC