Quinault Indian Nation
The Quinault Indian Nation includes the Quinault and Queets tribes, as well as descendants of five other coastal tribes. The tribe's headquartes are located in Taholah, Washington.
Quinault Area of Concern:
The Quinault Nation focuses their restoration efforts in the Chehalis River basin, one of the largest in Washington State. Over 81% of the land is forested, and most is privately owned. Population growth, timber harvest, and agriculture are a challenge to habitat restoration. A majority of watersheds in the region have greater than three miles of road per square mile of land, which impedes normal function of nearby streams.
Natural Resource Management:
- The Quinault Indian Nation is cataloging intertidal life using a method from the Multi-Agency Rocky Intertidal Network (MARINe). The tribe hopes to determine how intertidal life is responding to changing ocean conditions. Although they have been collecting similar data for 25 years, using the MARINe method allows easier sharing of information and comparison of results.
- In 2009, QIN used a glider deployed from a fishing vessel to gather data on salinity, dissolved oxygen, and temperature. The glider is computer-directed, and travels underwater. By partnering with the Center for Coastal Margin Observation and Prediction, tribal scientists were able to gather extensive data and plan for future missions.
- An ambitious habitat restoration plan for sockeye salmon began in 2008, involving installation of logjams and native tree plantings. The project was designed to protect salmon habitat and prevent erosion.
- QIN is also using a hatchery reform grant to supplement spring and summer Chinook in the Quinault and Queets rivers, which will hopefully help compensate for the effects of shrinking glaciers. As glacial retreat accelerates, summer flows in the rivers become lower, reducing habitat for salmon.
Quinault Indian Nation
P.O. Box 189
Taholah, WA 98587
Phone: (360) 276-8215 or 8211
Tribal Chair: Fawn Sharp
Fisheries Policy Spokesperson/NWIFC Commissioner: Ed Johnstone
Natural Resources Director: Dave Bingaman
source: NWIFC