Encyclopedia of Puget Sound now online!
A beta version of the Encyclopedia of Puget Sound is now online! Find hundreds of descriptive articles, maps and other media related to Puget Sound ecosystem science. Give us your feedback. Tell us what you would like to see on these pages in the future, and find out how you or your organization can become part of the EoPS knowledge network.
Welcome to the first incarnation of the Encyclopedia of Puget Sound, a new collaboration that brings together a type of living, breathing information ecosystem.
Access to the most relevant and up-to-date scientific information is vital to researchers and policymakers working to protect and restore Puget Sound. This online effort is designed as a reference source for ecosystem science and ecosystem-based management within the region, and represents the collective knowledge of leading experts from state and federal agencies, academic institutions and Puget Sound area tribes.
As the website grows, look for expanded content for a broad selection of disciplines related to Puget Sound recovery:
- Biology: information on the status and health of species of the Puget Sound region.
- Chemistry: marine, freshwater, sediment, pollution, stormwater.
- Physical environment: geology, bathymetry, cartography, meteorology, physical oceanography and hydrology.
- Social and economic sciences: quality of life index, fisheries, culture and history.
- Ecosystem-based management: historical and current policy related to protection of the Puget Sound ecosystem; ecosystem indicators.
- Threats (drivers and pressures): such as climate change and population growth, shoreline armoring, eutrophication, toxics and invasive species.
You will also find maps and geospatial data, archival documents and occasional news and profiles of interest to the Puget Sound science community.
The Encyclopedia of Puget Sound is modeled after other online efforts such as the Encyclopedia of Life and the Encyclopedia of Earth, and also builds upon the groundbreaking work and contributions of the Puget Sound Partnership and Puget Sound Science Panel. We are especially grateful to be able to include major content from the Partnership's 2011 Puget Sound Science Update in these pages. Other organizations such as NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA Fisheries, the Washington Natural Heritage Program and NatureServe have contributed invaluable mapping and data resources as well as advice and synthesis content. The list of contributors and collaborators continues to grow, and we hope that the Encyclopedia is already useful, even in this early stage, thanks in large part to the help from these and other organizations. Please send us your feedback as we further refine and develop our content and continue the exciting process of building the Encyclopedia.
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