Marine, intertidal, mixed fine, protected, eulittoral
This habitat type (or its estuarine equivalent) occurs in protected bays and harbors in the Pacific Northwest and is likely to be characterized by more finer sediments (i.e., more mud, less sand). Few marine (but many estuarine) sites in this category have been surveyed. Species are generally a mix of those found in sand and in mud habitats. Birds and fish using these areas are described under the counterpart Estuarine habitat. Drift algae and seagrass may be abundant.
Habitat attributes
Class ID:
Class name:
Marine, intertidal, mixed fine, protected, eulittoral
78.0 km (in WA)
Primary substrate:
Secondary substrate:
Tertiary substrate:
Substrate stability:
Substrate key details:
Pebble, sand, mud (few stable surface features)
Wave exposure:
Protected, Very protected
Blue book classes:
Marine intertidal mixed-fines: Protected sites only
Map/survey site examples:
inner False Bay, inner Westcott Bay; Watmough Bay; Parks Bay; Argyle Lagoon
Fish sampling sites:
Neck Point Spit, Shaw Island
Diagnostic species:
- Zostera marina
- Zostera japonica
- Gracilaria pacifica
- Macoma nasuta
- Phoronopsis harmeri
- Leptocottus armatus
- Apodichthys flavidus
- Pholis ornata
- Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus
- Cymatogaster aggregata
- Clinocottus acuticeps
VEC common associates:
Cancer spp.
Tresus capax
Species notes:
Habitat classification system:
Map link: