The Salish Sea water boundary includes the Strait of Georgia, Desolation Sound, The Strait of Juan de Fuca, and Puget Sound. The larger watershed basin is the area that drains into the Salish Sea waters.
WRIA vs Watershed Subbasin
It is important to note that Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIA) should not be used for hydrological analysis of river systems. For an accurate view of river watersheds based on topography, use the Watershed Boundary Subbasin layer instead. Although most boundaries are similar, differences are observed along the Canadian border, in the Skagit area, and throughout the Puget Sound main basin. This map displays WRIAs as pink boundary lines over shaded sub-basins.
Additional Resources
- How Puget Sound and Salish Sea boundaries are determined
- Puget Sound Recovery Atlas
- The Salmon and Steelhead Habitat Inventory and Assessment Project (SSHIAP)
- Historical GIS data for Puget Sound: Puget Sound River History Project
- Floristic Atlas of the San Juan Islands, Washington
- NetMap: Community Watershed Database and Analysis Tools
- NVS: NW Assoc of Networked Ocean Observing Systems (NANOOS)
- Pacific Northwest Environmental Response Management Application® (ERMA)
- PHS on the Web: Priority Habitats and Species (WDFW)
- Puget Sound Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration Project
- Salish Sea Seafloor & Habitat Maps (SeaDoc Society)
- Washington State Coastal Atlas
- Washington State Geospatial Data Archive (WAGDA)
Map Gallery
This map shows a GIS layer of all 60 shoreline habitat classes in Washington state. The map is symbolized based on marine/estuarine category and major substrate material. Marine shorelines are shown in cool colors; estuarine shorelines are shown in w
This map oulines the Puget Sound watershed area along with U.S. counties, cities, and urban areas. Published by the Puget Sound Partnership.
Water Resource Inventory Areas are Washington State management regions that do not strictly follow watershed boundaries.
This two-map series illustrates the impact levee vegetation maintenance requirements can have on salmon habitat.