Current Listing Status Summary
Status: Endangered
Date Listed: 04/06/1990
Lead Region: National Marine Fisheries Service (Region 11)
Where Listed: Sacramento River winter-run ESU
Status: Endangered
Date Listed: 08/02/1999
Lead Region: National Marine Fisheries Service (Region 11)
Where Listed: Upper Columbia spring-run ESU
Status: Threatened
Date Listed: 08/02/1999
Lead Region: National Marine Fisheries Service (Region 11)
Where Listed: Lower Columbia River ESU
Status: Threatened
Date Listed: 04/22/1992
Lead Region: National Marine Fisheries Service (Region 11)
Where Listed: Snake River spring/summer-run ESU
Status: Threatened
Date Listed: 12/29/1999
Lead Region: National Marine Fisheries Service (Region 11)
Where Listed: CA coastal
Status: Threatened
Date Listed: 04/22/1992
Lead Region: National Marine Fisheries Service (Region 11)
Where Listed: Snake River fall-run ESU
Status: Threatened
Date Listed: 08/02/1999
Lead Region: National Marine Fisheries Service (Region 11)
Where Listed: Upper Willamette River ESU
Status: Threatened
Date Listed: 08/02/1999
Lead Region: National Marine Fisheries Service (Region 11)
Where Listed: Puget Sound ESU
Status: Threatened
Date Listed: 12/29/1999
Lead Region: National Marine Fisheries Service (Region 11)
Where Listed: Central Valley spring-run ESU
Population detail:
Population location: Central Valley spring-run ESU�U.S.A. (CA), including all naturally spawned populations of spring-run Chinook salmon in the Sacramento River and its tributaries in California, including the Feather River, as well as the Feather River Hatchery springrun Chinook program
Listing status: T
Population location: Lower Columbia River ESU�U.S.A. (OR, WA), including all naturally spawned populations of Chinook salmon from the Columbia River and its tributaries from its mouth at the Pacific Ocean upstream to a transitional point between Washington and Oregon east of the Hood River and the White Salmon River, and includes the Willamette River to Willamette Falls, Oregon, exclusive of spring-run Chinook salmon in the Clackamas River, as well as 17 artificial propagation programs: See 223.102
Listing status: T
Population location: Puget Sound ESU�U.S.A. (WA), including all naturally spawned populations of Chinook salmon from rivers and streams flowing into Puget Sound including the Straits of Juan De Fuca from the Elwha River, eastward, including rivers and streams flowing into Hood Canal, South Sound, North Sound and the Strait of Georgia in Washington, as well as 26 artificial propagation programs: See 223.102
Listing status: T
Population location: Sacramento River winter-run ESU�U.S.A. (CA), including all naturally spawned populations of winter-run Chinook salmon in the Sacramento River and its tributaries in California, as well as two artificial propagation programs: See 224.101(a)
Listing status: E
Population location: Snake River fall-run ESU�U.S.A. (ID, OR, WA), including all naturally spawned populations of fallrun Chinook salmon in the mainstem Snake River below Hells Canyon Dam, and in the Tucannon River, Grande Ronde River, Imnaha River, Salmon River, and Clearwater River, as well as four artificial propagation programs: See 223.102.
Listing status: T
Population location: Snake River spring/summer-run ESU�U.S.A. (ID, OR, WA), including all naturally spawned populations of spring/summer-run Chinook salmon in the mainstem Snake River and the Tucannon River, Grande Ronde River, Imnaha River, and Salmon River subbasins, as well as 15 artificial propagation programs: See 223.102.
Listing status: T
Population location: Upper Columbia spring-run ESU� U.S.A. (WA), including all naturally spawned populations of Chinook salmon in all river reaches accessible to Chinook salmon in Columbia River tributaries upstream of the Rock Island Dam and downstream of Chief Joseph Dam in Washington (excluding the Okanogan River), the Columbia River from a straight line connecting the west end of the Clatsop jetty (south jetty, Oregon side) and the west end of the Peacock jetty (north jetty, Washington side) upstream to Chief Joseph Dam in Washington, as well as six artificial propagation programs: See 224.101(a).
Listing status: E
Population location: Upper Willamette River ESU�U.S.A. (OR), including all naturally spawned populations of spring-run Chinook salmon in the Clackamas River and in the Willamette River, and its tributaries, above Willamette Falls, Oregon, as well as seven artificial propagation programs: See 223.102.
Listing status: T
Population location: U.S.A.(CA) from Redwood Creek south to Russian R., inclusive, all naturally spawned populations in mainstems and tributaries
Listing status: T
For most current information and documents related to the conservation status and management of Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, see its USFWS Species Profile