Note: For many non-migratory species, occurrences are roughly equivalent to populations.
Estimated Number of Occurrences: > 300
Comments: Gaufin et al. (1972) cite Montana distribution as Beaverhead (Big Hole River), Flathead (Camas Creek, Kintla Creek, Swan River), Gallatin (Gallatin River, Madison River, West Gallatin River), Glacier (Elizabeth Creek), Granite (Flint Creek, Gilbert Creek, Rock Creek, Stony Creek), Lake (Swan River), Lewis and Clark (Prickley Pear Creek), Lincoln (Fisher River), Madison (Madison River, Spring Creek), Missoula (Blackfoot River, Lolo River, Rock Creek), Park (Yellowstone River), Ravalli (Bitterroot River, East Fork Bitterroot River, Cameron Creek, Camp Creek), and Sweet Grass (Boulder River) Cos. Baumann (1973) recorded it from Utah. Branham and Hathaway (1975) conducted a growth study on a population in the Provo River, Utah. Call and Baumann (2002) cite southern Utah distribution as Beaver Valley, Pine Valley Mountains, Sevier Plateau, Tushar Mountains, Wasatch Plateau, and Capitol Reef. Newell et al. (2006) report it from Glacier National Park in western Montana. Rockwell and Newell (2009) studied mortality in a population on the Jocko River, Montana. Gregory et al. (2000) documented emergence in streams in the Henry's Fork catchment, Idaho. In California, Jewett (1960) cited Butte, Kern, Marin, Mendocino, Placer, Plumas, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Sonoma, and Stanislaus Cos. Kauwe et al. (2004), in an analysis of global phylogeography, examined specimens from California (Lake, Mendocino, Shasta, Siskiyou Cos.), Idaho (Clark, Custer, Elmore, Fremont, Valley Cos.), Nelson and Hanson (1971) documented specimens from California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Wyoming, and the Yukon. Montana (Madison, Park Cos.), Nevada (Elko Co.), New Mexico (San Miguel Co.), Oregon (Benton, Grant, Jackson Cos.), Utah (Beaver, Cache, Emory, Garfield, Utah, Weber Cos.), Washington (Walla Walla Co.), and Wyoming (Lincoln, Park, Pine Dale, Sheridan Cos.). Stewart and Ricker (1997) report the species from the Yukon for the first time from Klusha Creek on the Klondike Highway. Townsend and Pritchard (1998) documented it in the Crowsnest River in southern Alberta. Stewart and Oswood (2006) cite occurrences in British Columbia (Clearwater Lake, Okanagan River at Osoyoos Lake, Yellow Lake near Kaleden) and Yukon (Albert Creek, Little Rancheria Creek).