Estuarine Subtidal Mixed-Coarse: Open, Deep

Several deep to very deep sites (15-100 m) in Puget Sound have been surveyed. These are scoured by tidal currents running through deep channels of the Sound.  They have mixed substrata of gravel, shell, and sand.

15-30 m :

Common Species

The gastropods Crepidula adunca, Ceratostoma foliatum, Calliostoma spp., and Trichotropis cancellata; the bivalves Glycymeris sp., Pododesmus cepio, Humilaria kennerlyi, Macoma brota, and Hiatella arctica; a variety of polychaetes including serpulids, sabellids, terebellids, and ampharetids; the sea stars Pisaster brevispinus and Solaster stimpsoni; and Octopus rubescens. Various shrimp are usually abundant.

Sites Surveyed

Variety in Puget Sound and Hood Canal.


R. Harman, J. Serwold, and R. Anderson unpubl. data.

30-100 m :

Common Species

The clams Mysella tumida and Panope abrupta, the ophiuroid Ophiura lutkeni, the sea cucumber Parastichopus californicus, and Pyncopodia helianthoides. Sites with organic debris are dominated by the clam Mya arenaria and the polychaetes Lumbrineris spp. and Chaetozone setosa.

Sites Surveyed

Johnson Point, other sites at narrow passages and entrances to inlets in Puget Sound and Hood Canal.


Lie, 1968, 1974; R. Harman unpubl. data.