Estuarine Subtidal Mud: Open, Shallow

Common Species

Zostera marina (mostly < 4 m depth), ulvoids, and the herbivorous snail Lacuna sp.  Bivalves include Psephidia lordi, Macoma nasuta, Acila castrensis, Axinopsida serricata, and Mysella tumida; polychaetes include Owenia fusiformis, Sternaspis scutata, and Scalibregma inflatum.  Ophiuroids and the gastropod Melanochlamys diomedea are also present. Fishes may include lemon sole, sculpins, and others common to eelgrass.

Sites Surveyed

Echo Bay (Sucia Island), Samish Bay, Birch Bay, Fidalgo Bay, Cama Beach.


G.F. Smith, 1979; H. Webber unpubl. data.